The latest 3D liposuction method at the Clinic of Dermatology in Riga


This system allows for not only suction with quantitative infrasound fluctuations but also for lipomodeling with infrasound fluctuations. In comparison with the older-generation equipment, this system has several advantages, but, most importantly, this method is safer, less-invasive, and not so painless to the patient. Furthermore, it allows the removal of up to 5 l of fat without any danger to health.

The scientists have developed an innovative technology: the tubes attached to the vacuum device are able to perform three-dimensional motions. They simultaneously operate in three directions: they rotate, move up/down and forward. This procedure takes place with high frequency, but with minimum amplitude. Thus, the surrounding tissue and blood vessels suffer minimum trauma and there is almost zero risk of any embolism, edema, and hemorrhage, as well as a risk of deterioration of skin elasticity. Piston system ensures that all types of fat, including fibrotic, are removed with a constant pressure. The fat-separation is supplemented by a low-frequency infrasound.  In comparison with the traditional suction-method, the surgeon has to face less physical workload. Thus, the surgeon can operate with maximum accuracy and the outcome is excellent even in case of an extensive surgery.

The surgery is computer-guided – the qualitative suction system allows the supervision of the removed amounts in different areas; it enables you to constantly supervise the overall removed amount and repeatedly examine any of the areas already treated.  The tights may be treated with an increased power but area below the chin – with lesser power.

The liposuction takes place under local anesthesia – only those skin areas where 3-4 mm incision are made in order to introduce the tubes are treated with analgesia. It is not necessary to induce a narcosis; instead, tumescent anesthesia is used, namely, the tissues are extensively filled with a saline solution supplemented with adrenalin and lidocaine. Therefore, the surgery may be performed also on those for whom narcosis, for some reason, has been contraindicated. After the surgery, the patient must put on special compression clothing which must be worn 24 hours for two weeks. The patient can immediately get up and go home as it is not necessary to stay at the hospital.

Riga office: Str.Baznīcas 31, Rīga, Latvia. +371 202 116 11,